Xena's "No Harm Done" flavour texts: (season 3)

Furies: (episode 1)
Xena's sanity was not harmed during the production of this motion picture. The Furies, however, will be opening their own lap-dancing variety show off-off-off Broadway soon.
Been There, Done That: (episode 2)
The rooster was not harmed during the production of this motion picture, althought his feathers were severely ruffled. However, a little gel and mousse straightened out the mess.
The Deliverer: (episode 4)
Gabrielle was slightly well-done during the production of this motion picture. However, the Producers would like to recommend a zesty barbecue sauce to bring out the full flavour of the episode.
Gabrielle's Hope: (episode 5)
Despite witnessing the bizarre and somewhat disturbing birth or Gabrielle's Hope, no animals were harmed during the production of this motion picture.
The Debt: (episode 6)
No Froek Tarts were killed during the production of this motion picture, althought they wish they had been.
The Debt 2: (episode 7)
Xena and Gabrielle's relationship suffered another blow (although Gabrielle doesn't know it yet) during the production of this motion picture.
The King of Assassins: (episode 8)
due to the infliction of a severe wedgie, Joxer was slightly unconfortable but not seriously harmed during the production of this motion picture.
Warrior... Priestess... Tramp: (episode 9)
Despite another Xena look-alike, the gene pool (or rather the gene puddle) was not harmed during the production of this motion picture.
Maternal Instincts: (episode 11):
Xena and Gabrielle's relationship was harmed during the production of this motion picture.
The Bitter Suite: (episode 12)
The musical genre was not harmed during the production of this motion picture. In act, the Producers sincerely hope you were A-MUSE-D by this episode.
One Against an Army: (episode 13)
Gabrielle's ankle was harmed during the production of this motion picture.
Forgiven: (episode 14)
No street-talking, cat-fighting, barron-brawling juvenile delinquents were harmed during the production of this motion picture.
King Con: (episode 15)
No Con Men were conned during the production of this motion picture.
When In Rome: (episode 16)
Caesar's Palace was not harmed during the production of this motion picture. However, Crassus and the gladiators went down for the count.
Forget Me Not: (episode 17)
Xena and Joxer were not forgotten during the production of this motion picture.
Fins, Femmes and Gems: (episode 18)
Joxer's dignity was slightly harmed during the production of this motion picture. However, Gabrielle's pink nightie waas restored to its original condition.
Tsunami: (episode 19)
No Cast or Crew were singing "Tanks For The Memories" during the production of the motion picture. However, the phrase "Strike The Set" was given new meaning.
Vanishing Act: (episode 20)
Upon completion of the filming of this episode, Autolycus' Scuba Gear was placed on display at the Athens Diving Institute for the education and enjoyment of future generations to come.
Sacrafice: (episode 21)
No Pulsing Cocoon were hatched during the production of this motion picture. What you witnessed was purely a reenactment.
Sacrafice 2: (episode 22)
Gabrielle finally went off the deep during the production of this motion picture.